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March Lawn, Garden, & Landscaping Tips 2023

March Lawn, Garden, & Landscaping Tips 2023

Our March Lawn Garden and Landscaping Tips revolve around the fact that March ushers in longer days with warming soils that lift lawn turf from slumber and encourage new growth throughout the landscape.

Did You Know This About March?

-We add nearly one full hour to our day in March. (March 1: 11:32:24, March 31: 12: 27:30)

-Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 13 (Spring forward; Fall back).

-Spring officially arrives on Monday, March 20.

spring 1
edibles march3

Get To Pruning, Planting, & Watering:
We’ve likely seen our last frost and freeze days. New growth appears everywhere, from the oak trees’ recent leaf and catkin drop to those woody stems pruned back from winter damage. Plants with brittle stems that have no green remaining, we can conclude, were lost to old man winter and can now be safely replaced.

The University of Florida IFAS Extension office recommends March edible plantings of Arugula, Eggplant, Kohlrabi, Ginger, Peppers, Swiss Chard, Tomatillo, Tomatoes, Boniato, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Lima Beans, Bush Beans, and Pole Beans, Cantaloupes, Carrots, Corn, Cucumbers, Okra, Onions, Peanuts, Peas, Radish, Squashes, and Watermelon.

Emerging from a Record-Dry Winter
Besides the cold Winter, your lawn, garden, and landscape damage could have been from lack of precipitation. “Retallying the winter stats of 2022-23, in Jacksonville, we had our 72nd warmest December, the 41st warmest January and the sixth warmest February,” according to News4Jax Weather Insider. “Add it all up, and we had the 16th warmest Winter! The bigger winter story was the total lack of rainfall. Just 3.85 inches of rain the entire Winter!” That’s compared to an average winter rainfall in Jacksonville of 9.5″. Check your irrigation system for proper operation and get ready to increase your watering regimen.


In Duval County, water restrictions lessen during Daylight Savings Time, allowing twice-per-week residential landscape irrigation with no limits for new landscapes and hand watering. “Residential properties with even-numbered addresses or those ending with A-M** may water on Thursday and Sunday; properties with odd-numbered addresses, those ending with N-Z*, or properties with no street address may water on Wednesday and Saturday, according to the City of Jacksonville. “Non-residential irrigation is only permitted Tuesday and Friday. Irrigation is not permitted between 10 am and 4 pm.” Be vigilant in ensuring your lawn and garden are sufficiently watered. Earth Works lawn care division recommends two weekly rain or watering events for a healthy lawn.

chinch bugs

Chinch Bug Threat Strong During Drought Conditions
Drought conditions can increase the chance of chinch bugs infestation in your St. Augustine turf. Chinch bug season in North Florida is typically March through November. “Chinch bug damage can be confused with certain lawn diseases or other physiological disorders,” according to Texas A&M. “For example, brown patch is a common disease affecting the leaf blades of St. Augustinegrass. Brown patch symptoms, however, usually occur in a circular or semi-circular pattern, as opposed to the irregular-shaped areas of dead and dying grass that result from chinch bug feeding. Chinch bug damage also can be difficult to distinguish from that caused by drought.”

Let Earth Works Lawn Care, Fertilization and Lawn Pest Control service take the work and worry out of your beautiful lawn.


When to Fertilize?

Palms: For palms we recommend quarterly fertilization with heaviest feeding in Fall and Spring and lighter fertilization in Spring and Winter. We recommend: Palm Tone by Espoma and Jacks Palm Food 16-5-25 that’s water soluble with micronutrients.

Birds of Paradise: These heavy feeders require fertilization to maximize foliage and flowering capacity. While the UF/IFAS recommends quarterly fertilization Tropical Plants of Florida recommends bi-weekly fertilization in Spring and monthly during the Summer months.

Crape Myrtles: Crape Myrtles are heavy feeders that respond well to liquid and granular balanced fertilization as often as every two weeks during Spring and Summer. You’ll want to use a balanced fertilizer such as Jacks All Purpose 20-20-20.

Roses: Consider monthly fertilization from mid-February through November for optimum foliage and blooms on your roses. Roses are highly susceptible to powdery mildew and leaf spot that you can curtail damage from with regular Bonide copper fungicide treatments.

Fruit Trees: “You can apply a slow-release citrus fertilizer in March, June and September or apply 6-6-6 or 8-8-8 starting in March once every six weeks through September,” according to Becky Jordi, the Nassau County extension director and horticulture agent. “No fertilizer should be applied from October through February.” We recommend Jacks Citrus Feed.

Weed & Feed Facts:

We are at the right time to consider Weed & Feed fertilizer. They typically contain a pre-emergent herbicide for preventing weeds from germinating. The “N” component of fertilizer’s NPK macro-nutrient makeup is nitrogen, which is not necessary in high concentration at this time. However, phosphorus and potassium (PK) can provide current benefits for root health. 



earthworks landscaping

Plan Your Landscape Design With Earth Works
Interest increases among home and business owners wanting to redesign their landscapes, and Earth Works Landscape Designers are here to help. We offer site visits and consultations with CADD drawings of plans that we can then schedule and install. Our landscape designers and installation crews are courteous and knowledgeable and strive to complete your project’s vision on time and within budget.

Seeding Jacksonville

Thursday, March 23, 2023 • 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
WJCT Studios
Join us at Seeding Jacksonville for an evening of cocktails and a discussion on the health and future of the Jacksonville Arboretum & Botanical Gardens. The Arboretum will share insights on its remarkable achievements over the past year and provide a glimpse into its exciting future.
Plus, learn how a botanical garden can serve as a green hub of its community and gain a new perspective on its potential impact with guest speaker, Mary Pat Matheson, the CEO of Atlanta Botanical Gardens.
With her proven leadership skills, Mary Pat has successfully transformed Atlanta Botanical Gardens into one of the top 10 gardens in the country! What an exciting opportunity to learn from her extensive leadership. Mary Pat will be speaking on “Connecting to community – How a botanical garden can be the green hub of its community.”



Our Spring Sip & Shop is Back!
Join us at Earth Works Gardens from 11 am until 2 pm for complimentary beverages served by one of our landscape designers, who can answer your landscape design questions. Enjoy the renovated facilities at Earth Works Gardens while you Sip & Shop!

And see you next month for more Lawn Garden and Landscaping Tips!


Sip Shop Earth Works Gardens

Written by John Hawley, Earth Works Content Manager.


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

Flooding Yard Fixes in Northeast Florida

Flooding Yard Fixes in Northeast Florida

Flooding, topsoil erosion, uprooted trees, and fungal diseases require flooding yard fixes that Earth Works strives to provide for Northeast Florida homeowners and businesses. While we cannot control the weather, we can consider monthly average rainfall and conclude that our Florida rainy season is July through September. Weather patterns such as La Nina and El Nino provide information on whether we should expect more or less rain during the season.

No matter how challenging your drainage issue may appear we’ve probably seen worse and can provide you with drainage solutions to suit your needs.


Drainage Fixes:

Adequately addressing the potential for flood waters and soil erosion on your property requires properly engineered drainage solutions for your impervious surfaces, including roofs, driveways, decks, patios, and water gardens. Fundamentally, drainage is removing water from an area. However, stormwater regulations developed to protect the environment and prevent flooding restrict the percent of your property that can be built upon with impervious structures and the extent of required onsite stormwater storage. Allowable drainage systems include gutters, French drains, channel drains, swales, permeable paving material, and storm drains. Earth Works landscape designers regularly consult with clients to remedy flooding yard problems that meet state and municipal stormwater regulations.

Tree Staking:
Tree staking protects newly planted tall trees from excessive rain that softens their roots grip while preventing wind from blowing them over, resulting in tree and property damage. Six months to one year is the typical time recommended for staking newly planted trees such as palms and other tall, heavy trees. While most plants don’t require staking, even naysayers must admit that tomato plants can benefit from staking. Earth Works Landscaping division stakes large trees for its clients and the garden center stocks staking kits.

Fungal treatments become necessary as fungus is one of the underlying problems that occur from too much water in your garden that can be a result of poor drainage. Fungus thrives in damp environments and can quickly devastate a wide variety of plants. We see powdery & downy mildew, black spot, brown patch, leaf spot, and blight on vegetable plants, fruit trees, shrubs, ornamentals, shade trees, and lawns. Bonide Copper Fungicide and Neem oil are both approved for organic gardening and are available at Earth Works Gardens. Additionally, the Earth Works Lawn Care division can diagnose and treat fungus in your lawn along with providing turf fertilization, disease, weed, and pest control.


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

Drainage Swale Landscape Design

Drainage Swale Landscape Design

Earth Works Landscape Designer, discusses the benefits of incorporating a drainage swale in this Atlantic Beach landscape design to provide aesthetic benefits while protecting the environment and other neighbors’ property from stormwater runoff. “The city will make you do that based on your coverage no matter if you are under or over; they want the water to sit on your property and stay on your property,” Cacchione said. “So that is what this swale is designed to do. It’s an eighteen-inch dip in the lawn, in the grade.” Cisterns and submersible sump pumps are alternatives stormwater retention options, although more costly than building a dry drainage swale that’s an integral part of this beautiful landscape design.

Whether making modifications to the landscape yourself or contracting with a landscape company, the same regulations apply. Flooding complaints in Atlantic Beach result in city inspectors arriving to find a solution to those complaints. “If the city has to tell you where that’s got to go (stormwater management system), that’s gonna be on the sides of the house where you have no room,” Cacchione said with some frustration. “It cannot be decoratively, aesthetically pleasing integrated into your landscape like we did here. So really think about the placement of that in your new plan and how it’s gonna work with your footprint.”

Drainage Services

Managing stormwater runoff is considered critical to protecting the environment and the property rights of neighbors who don’t want to be flooded by others’ activities. Historically, drainage quickly removed rainwater, resulting in erosion, sedimentation, freshwater intrusion, algae blooms, and fish kills. Fertilizers, animal waste, petroleum products, pathogens, and other pollutants end up in lakes, estuaries, rivers, and the ocean.

Hardscaping projects must take into consideration all sources of water conveyance to comply with the city code. “The downspouts from the house they are all connected underground and run to the swale,” Cacchione said. “So all of the water from the roof is collected. Nothing is going out into the street.” Make sure your landscaping company understands and readily complies with applicable regulations.

“Studies in Florida have determined that the first one inch of runoff generally carries 90% of the pollution from a storm,” according to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. “The 1989 STORMWATER LEGISLATION establishes a statewide watershed management framework that relies upon a cooperative effort between the Department of Environmental Regulation, water management districts and local governments.”

Development pressure at environmentally sensitive beaches results in more significant stormwater restrictions and enforcement typically than inland communities. In 2019, Atlantic Beach enacted ordinance 90-19-238 that restricts maximum lot coverage with impervious materials to 45 percent. “Onsite stormwater storage is required for all development or redevelopment projects and any modification to an existing structure that increases the impervious area by more than 250 square feet” according to the City of Atlantic Beach Fact Sheet. Additionally, the regulation attributes 50 percent impervious status for swimming pool square footage. It can require on-site stormwater retention for driveways and sidewalks if modification or replacement varies from their original footprint.

For more information on your most cost-effective drainage options in your next landscaping and hardscaping project contact Earth Works for a design consultation.

Good drainage is nothing to quack about


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

February Lawn, Garden, and Landscaping Tips 2023

February Lawn, Garden, and Landscaping Tips 2023

After hard freezes in December 2022 and numerous frost events during January in Jacksonville, we continue to encourage clients to protect tender plants as we transition into Spring with these February lawn, garden, and landscaping tips.

1) Continue protecting plants from freeze and frost damage. Where you live significantly affects the risk of frost and freezing temperatures. While the threat of frost and freezing temperatures vary on average, the last freeze day in Jacksonville is February 15 and January 23 in coastal Jacksonville Beach. 

Understand that frost can occur at as high as 37F air temperature when the dew point is 32F or below. Dew point is part of the forecasting available at the National Weather Service.

“When the dew point is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius), it is known as the “frost point,” referencing the fact that frost will form rather than dew because the temperature is so low,” according to All the Science. 

organic matter

2) Sharpen your mower blades for the new season. Use the mower on its mulch setting, which feeds your soil with organic matter that typically constitutes less than 5% of soil composition and is crucial for biological activity. Feeding the soil with organic matter reduces the need for fertilization by increasing microbial activity and soil structure.
The biological Benefits of Organic Matter in Soil:
– Provides food for the living organisms in the soil.
– Enhances soil microbial biodiversity and activity which can help in the suppression of diseases and pests.
– Enhances pore space through the actions of soil microorganisms. This helps to increase infiltration and reduce runoff.

Top dressing supplementation for the lawn is an excellent approach to increasing organic matter in your soil. Top dressing is available by bag or truckload. And Earth Works Lawn Care offers a combination of aeration and top-dressing services.

3) Keep weeds in your lawn under control by hand pulling or using a pre-emergent herbicide before average temperatures reach 65-70F. As temperatures warm heading into Spring, the threat from the Winter weeds diminishes and is replaced by the emergence of warm-season weeds. In our temperate climate, there is some crossover in the seasonal varieties of lawn weeds.

-Florida perennial weeds include buttonweed, clover, dallisgrass, dandelion, nutsedge, and dollarweed.

-Florida annual weeds include chickweed, crabgrass, beggarweed, pulsey, goosegrass, and spurge.


pulling weeds
pre emergent weed control

Weed And Feed products typically include pre-emergents. UF recommends March 1 for the earliest Weed and Feed applications in North Florida. “You will not injure your lawn by waiting to fertilize, but you can certainly injure your lawn by fertilizing too early,” writes Larry Williams, the Residential Horticulture Agent for the UF/IFAS Extension Office in Okaloosa County. Difficulties in avoiding too late applications of pre-emergent herbicides and too early fertilization give some credence to using herbicides and fertilizers separately. 

Earth Works Lawn Care division eliminates these concerns for clients with weed spraying and fertilization services.

4) Remember to water your lawn throughout February when receiving less than two weekly rain events. We are under once-per-week irrigation restrictions in Duval County until the second Sunday in March, according to Chapter 366 of the City’s Ordinance Code. However, there are exceptions for new landscaping and no restrictions on hand watering. 

The three-year trend of drier-than-normal weather associated with La Nina is forecast to end this year. The latest weather forecast for the ENSO cycle predicts a shift to El Nino, bringing increased rain and flooding in SE USA and a weaker average hurricane season. Address any drainage issues on your property ahead of time.

lawn watering

5) Throughout the Winter months, including February, we continue to encourage the planting of cold-hardy annuals such as alyssum, delphinium, dusty millers, ornamental kale, and cabbage, along with violas that hold up to our coldest temperatures. “Trees and shrubs that will be in bloom include red maple, star magnolia, and spirea,” according to the University of Florida. “Despite the cooler weather, some gardeners can begin to plant warm-season crops, while others should stick to plants that can survive the cold.” Areas around the St. Johns River, its tributaries, and the beaches stay significantly warmer than other inland areas.

6) Continue with regular inspection of houseplants and those brought indoors during the winter, watching out for pests such as Spider mites that form webs along leaf margins. Insecticidal soap, Neem oil, and systemic insecticides provide treatment and protection at different phases of houseplant pest control. Rotate indoor plants to supply them with 360-degree access for inspection and for them to get the best use of available indoor light sources.

inspecting houseplants

Watch for signs of too much or too little water and sunlight. Many plants will turn yellow from too much light or too little water. Fungus gnats and root rot also threaten the health of overwatered plants. Succulents can begin turning purple from various causes, including sudden light and temperature changes, too much light, or the wrong wavelength of certain grow lights will cause problems. If you have an issue with any of your plants or need more lawn, garden, and landscaping tips visit us at Earth Works Gardens.


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

Common Drainage Problems and Solutions

Common Drainage Problems and Solutions

You’ve come to the right place to learn more about common drainage problems and solutions in our Northeast, Florida service area. We offer customized drainage solutions with multiple configuration options discussed in our consultation process depending on your specific needs. Each rainy season here in Florida, we receive urgent calls from home and business owners with drainage problems that require rapid identification of the causes and solutions to common drainage problems. Here in Northeast Florida, we typically have months of dry weather where drainage isn’t an issue, followed by reoccurring months of heavy rain that overwhelm drainage systems. While it’s best to address drainage issues before the rainy season, various factors result in drainage problems that did not exist before.

Common Drainage Problems and Solutions
Gutters Downspouts

-Gutters and Downspouts are a good starting point for identifying and determining solutions to common drainage problems. Gutter systems may be non-existent, inadequate, or need damage repair or unclogging. According to the National Association of Homebuilders, the average lifespan of gutters and downspouts is thirty years.
However, the average lifespan of the gutters and downspouts is dependent on construction material, quality of installation, and operating conditions. Roof construction material, pitch, age, and service history contribute to gutters and downspouts’ working conditions. Seasonal leaf drops on the roof can clog uncovered gutter systems requiring gutter and downspout cleanouts multiple times per year. We recommend that when seeking causes and solutions to drainage problems around your home or business, start with an assessment of the working condition of your gutters and downspouts.

-Improper slopes and grading of yards result in common drainage problems. Varying elevations in a landscape, whether naturally occurring or a result of earth moving to build a home, other structures, and landscaping, contribute to the quality of drainage on a property. The elevation and grading of neighboring properties can impact drainage on your property. Take note and stay aware of how surface water flows on your property from year to year and annual changes due to earth moving on your property that was purposeful as with landscaping or a result of erosion. Fixing the grade for a property can be minor or significant, requiring a few bags of dirt or truckloads spread with a bulldozer.


-Landscaping done incorrectly contributes to common drainage problems. Displacing soil to plant trees, shrubs, and groupings of plants in flower beds along with amending soils for turf collectively alter the yard’s slope and elevation. The altered surface water flow can result in flooding, erosion, and additional drainage problems. No matter how large or small the landscape project, be aware of its potential to affect drainage on your property. And make drainage considerations a part of your landscape design priorities.

-Roots and debris clogging drain pipes are common drainage problems. Underground drainage system pipes are constructed from various materials that include a range of corrugated and PVC rigid pipes. Perforated piping is most susceptible to intrusion by roots, although clogs can occur with any piping. Earth Works provides an access point at the base of the downspout for easy cleanout with a garden hose for rigid pipe installs. Each type of drainage pipe has its advantages for specific applications and drainage needs that we discuss with property owners during the design consultation process.

-Soil Composition and Compaction contribute to common drainage problems. Although much of our regional soil composition is highly permeable well-draining sand-building activities and landscaping result in compaction that impacts drainage. Heavy rain on highly compacted soil results in less percolation of water into the soil and an increased risk of flooding and stormwater runoff. While we provide mechanical compaction under paver patios, we also offer mechanical aeration services for turf to improve the percolation of water into the lawn and increase nutrient uptake as part of our recommended annual aeration and top dressing services.

Regardless of the cause of your drainage problems, Earth Works provides solutions not limited to French drains; gravity drains, channel drains, swales, cisterns, and sump pump systems that meet federal, state, and local regulations designed to protect your property, safety, and the environment. Our drainage systems are guaranteed to work and warranted for one year on parts and labor.

Step-By-Step at a 2022 Northeast Florida Drainage Project (Thanks Bruce!)


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

What is the Role of a Landscape Designer?

What is the Role of a Landscape Designer?

The role of a landscape designer is to utilize their professional training and experience in creating a plan for your outdoor spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Landscape designers consult with clients to develop either hand sketches or computer-assisted design plans for outdoor spaces. Landscape designers produce plans for residential front and backyards, water gardens, parks, and more that are functional, decorative, and enjoyable based on their client’s requirements. Good landscape design improves curb appeal and property value.

Landscape designers must be knowledgeable in horticulture, layout, topography, construction principles, and materials. To achieve the desired results, they must consider factors such as climate, soil type, and the hardiness of plant life in the region they are designing. They should also understand drainage, hardscaping materials, and other site-specific issues. The role of landscape designers does not necessarily include overseeing installation of your project.

There are landscape design specialties such as water conserving xeriscaping and Florida Friendly Landscape Design. “Florida-Friendly landscapes are designed to be functional, cost-efficient, visually pleasing, environmentally friendly, and easily maintainable,” according to the University of Florida. “These characteristics improve marketability and help to create healthy vibrant communities for Florida residents to enjoy.”

The role of a landscape designer at Earth Works includes meeting with clients at our garden center to provide a first-hand view of plant and hardscaping material options and completing site visits at client properties to get a first-hand view of existing slopes, the orientation of the property, structures, and proposed landscaping to the sun and take measurements. Earth Works landscape designers oversee the installation of the design plan and complete walk throughs with clients upon completion to ensure customer satisfaction

We encourage clients to have a list of goals, a vision, and a budget in mind for their landscape design and installation. Take the time to research different landscape designs you like and don’t like and prioritize your ‘must-have’ features from those that would be ‘nice-to-have.’ Examples of ‘must-have’ features, for example, could include palm trees and a hedge for privacy screening with a patio and fire pit. ‘Nice to have’ elements could consist of a recreational pond and outdoor lighting. We encourage clients to dream big. Must-have items would be the basis of the design to include ‘nice to have’ items that fit your budget. Additionally, your landscape design plan can consist of everything including ‘must-have’ and ‘nice-to-have’ features to be installed in separate phases over months or years as your budget dictates. 

Do your research on the landscape design companies available to you and look for examples of their work, check their reviews for an indication if they are best suited to fill the role of landscape designer for your next project.

landscape design


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

Pond Clean Out Seminar 2023

Pond Clean Out Seminar 2023

Pond Clean Out Seminar 2023


Earth Works Owner Jason Duffney leads this demonstration seminar focused on periodic pond clean out maintenance and answers all your pond questions. This FREE event includes beverages and snacks!

Join us on February 18, 2023 from 10 am – 12 pm to learn how to keep your pond clean and healthy! 

Steps To Your Successful Pond Clean-Out

1. Start Draining the Pond – An inexpensive pump or a sump pump is sufficient. Be sure you save some of the pond water to fill a container with for the fish.

2. Disconnect the Circulation System – This will allow the water in the plumbing to drain out

3. Catch the Fish – Drain the pond down to the lowest shelf to catch fish easily and safely.

4. Remove Debris – Remove the large debris like leaves and twigs once the pond is drained.

5. Wash the Pond – A 1500 psi pressure washer or a high-pressure nozzle on a garden hose is recommended for pond cleaning.

6. Rinse the Pond – Rinse the pond from top to bottom with a garden hose without the high-pressure nozzle, as it continues to pump it out.

7. Clean the Fiters – Spray the filtration media until relatively clean and rinse down the inside of the filter units.

8. Refill the Pond – Pull the clean-out pump out and refill the pond.

9. De-Chlorinate the Water – Most city water contains chlorine and chloramine and requires treatment with a de-chlorinator before introducing fish.

10. Reintroduce the Fish – To properly acclimate your fish, you’ll want to put them in the pond as soon as the water is high enough for them to swim. Then slowly continue to add water to original levels. In extreme cold weather you may want to put fish with old pond water in a container to float in the pond allowing the water temperature to even out slowly.


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

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Protecting Already Freeze and Frost Damaged Plants

Protecting Already Freeze and Frost Damaged Plants

For freeze and frost damaged plants is it worth the effort to continue protecting them when more cold weather is in the forecast? Yes, don’t give up on your damaged plants. We recommend protecting plants even if damaged from past freezes and frost like they experienced here in Northeast Florida in December 2022.

Be sure to use a reliable weather forecasting source such as the National Weather Service.

Learn to recognize the difference between plants that will die back and produce new stems and foliage in Spring and those that won’t come back. Freeze and frost damage on herbaceous plants can be noticeable immediately, while the damage to woody plants and palms will take longer to show. The soft, flexible stems and foliage of damaged herbaceous plants may turn from green to brown or purple and become mushy.

To complicate matters, if Winter temperatures rise to over 70F between freeze and frost events, fungus can attack those mushy areas causing further damage. Treat mushy parts of the plant like an infected wound. Remove as much of the mushy parts as possible to reduce the risk of attracting pests to the affected area. A fungal spray application can be in order.


freezing and frost damage ahead
Palms freeze and frost damage

For woody-stemmed plants, use your fingernail to scratch-test the outer area of bark in search of green tissue. If so, that part of the plant is alive. You can also cut a stem sample to look for a hollow center, indicating that the stem has died.

Although the freeze and frost dieback can be unsightly, it’s best to leave it on the plant for additional protection and not prune it until typically after your area’s last frost date. Excessive pruning during Winter to freeze and frost damage plants encourages new growth too early. That new growth would be susceptible to a greater risk of additional freeze and frost damage.

The least cold hardy palm varieties can also be harmed by freezing temperatures, frost, and rapid chilling temperatures below 40-45F. The least harmful form of injury is from the rapid chilling resulting in browning and death of some palm fronds. Frost damage can look similar and take more than a year to fully recover, while a hard freeze can weaken or kill the apical meristem resulting in the death of the palm.

Any weakening of the palm health from cold weather puts them at greater risk from pests and fungal diseases. Fungicides sprayed on the apical meristem after cold damage in Winter can reduce the risk of fungal damage.

“Freezing temperatures also can cause the stems of some species, including queen and silver palms, to split longitudinally,” according to Louisiana State University. “These splits are later colonized by decomposing organisms, resulting in softening of the stem. As the decomposition progresses, vascular tissue rots, interrupting the water and nutrient supply. In some instances, palms break in the middle at the affected area.”


Fungal infections of plants during the warm seasons can cause further problems for plants trying to recover from freeze and frost damage. “While Entomosporium Leaf Spot is mostly dormant for the winter, the spots show clearly that the plant has been heavily infected during the previous growing; the infection most likely began last year after a rainy spring,” according to Soils Alive. “The fungal disease made the plants more susceptible to freeze damage this winter. While we didn’t have a lot of cold weather, we did have a few hard freezes that followed warm weather. When plants aren’t acclimated to the cold, you’ll often see more freeze damage, or lose more plants when hard freezes do happen.”

Additionally, freezing temperatures will impact your sod. “Freezing is not good for sod root growth, so while freezing may not kill the sod, it will basically stop root growth meaning a longer “grow in” period where more water and care is needed, and other factors may be the culprit of problems, (Fungus etc that are common in our mild winters)” according to Lance Roberson of

Although Christmas 2022 was one of the coldest in Northeast Florida history and the area plant damage is extensive improvements in freeze and frost damaged plants is possible with good cultural practices, mulching, and protecting them from the potential remaining seasonal damaging weather events.  

firespike freeze and frost damage plant


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

Online Landscape Design Companies Pros and Cons

Online Landscape Design Companies Pros and Cons

Consider these online landscape design companies pros and cons and questions to ask them to get your best results when booking them if choosing not to use a local brick-and-mortar landscape design company.  


Online Landscape Design Company Pro: Online Fulfillment.
An obvious advantage to hiring an online landscape design firm is the convenience of all communications being online without needing in-person interactions. Instead, you submit your project criteria via images and form-based answers to questions. Reasons to use the online landscape design company include insufficient local design companies to choose from and simply not wanting to meet in person. Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days per year, you can initiate, pay for and complete the landscape design process with the online landscape design company.

Online Landscape Design Company Con: Lack of In-Person Interaction.
Often people’s intentions are misinterpreted in online interactions. In-person meetings with a landscape design professional help clarify what clients want. These in-person meetings allow clients to assess whether the designer understands their vision and if they trust that they have the experience to complete it and are likely to stand behind the design during and after installation.

landscape design1Online Landscape Design Companies' Pros and Cons
Online Landscape Design Companies' Pros and Cons

Online Landscape Design Company Pro: Extensive Package Details
Online landscape design companies typically pitch the details and scope of their landscape design packages providing clearly stated details for each and the opportunity to pay for it online. An online landscape design company can also be expected to provide a timeline and quick turnaround.

Online Landscape Design Company Con: Missing Site Considerations
Brick-and-mortar landscape design companies often don’t provide the convenience of detailed online landscape design packages and rely instead on their in-person consultations and site visits before developing the landscape plan. The client submitting information about their wants for the landscape design to the online landscape design company may be one of many stakeholders in the project whose wants need to be represented in the design. In-person landscape design consultations and site visits typically involve designers meeting with couples taking both of their wants into consideration. The experienced landscape designer, during site visits, identifies concerns critical to the success of the landscape design that the client might need to recognize, such as irrigation needs, elevations, grades, drainage, neighborhood issues, etc.

Online Landscape Design Company Pro: Beautifully Designed Landscape Drawings
Online landscape design companies typically utilize various plant materials to create beautifully designed landscape drawings to suit the client’s requirements.

Online Landscape Design Company Con: Regional Lack of Plant Availability
Although online landscape design companies can create beautifully designed landscape drawings remotely from anywhere, plant material availability isn’t guaranteed, which can require revisions or plant and other material substitutions. Although revisions and plant substitutions are likewise common with locally based design firms they tend to have a better grasp of local availability, pricing, and what does well or not in a given area. The local designer will likely have relationships with a myriad of local plant material providers to choose from.

Online Landscape Design Companies' Pros and Cons

Additional questions to ask online landscape design companies to ensure your satisfaction after the sale:
-Will the landscape design provide information on required irrigation to establish and maintain new plants?
-Will the landscape design consider varied elevations, grades, and drainage that can impact the success of the landscape?
-Will the landscape design be customized to consider state and local government regulations? 
-Will the landscape design meet my Home Owners Association requirements?
-How many revisions to the landscape design are included in my plan?
-Do you have recommended contractors in my area who know the local plant material, what will grow well, and their availability?
-Are there any guarantees that I’ll be able to have this design installed for my budget?


  • Landscape Design & Installation
  • Paver Patios, Paver Walkways, Paver Driveways
  • Firepits, Retaining Walls , Seat Walls,
  • Landscape Lighting, Drainage design & Installation,
  • Lawn Care Services, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Pest Control, Lawn Weed Control
  • Aeration and Top Dressing
  • Water Features, Koi Ponds,
  • Waterfalls, Bubbling Fountains
  • Garden Center & Pond Supply Store

General Services Areas

Jacksonville (Jax), Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Orange Park, St. Johns, Nocatee


12501 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32246

(not open to the public)
St. Johns Bluff
1057 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Monday-Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-5

New Year’s Day • Easter • Memorial Day
July 4th • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve • Christmas Day

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