Planting Basics

Learn how to plant anything like a pro.
A few easy steps will ensure your plants have an advantage. Add rich Compost and Bio-charged organic soil amendments.
After selecting the placement of your plants, follow these easy steps:
1–7 gallon plants: Water the plant(s) gently.
1. Dig a hole several inches wider and deeper than the size of the pot holding the plant.
2. Remove the plastic pot from the root ball.
3. Inspect to make sure there are no large roots circling around the edges. If so, gently pull roots away.

4. Add Wild Earth Mix and Bio-Tone to the hole. Enough so that when the plant is sitting in the hole the top surface of the plant’s soil is a quarter of an inch above ground level.
15-gallon plants and larger
Follow the steps above. (1-4)
5. Then, after back-filling with Wild Earth Mix, use the native soil that was removed to make the hole to create a ring around the tree or shrub. The ring should be on the surface of the soil at the edges of the circumference of the plant’s roots. Pack the soil with the backside of the shovel on the interior and exterior sides of the ring. Adjust hose flow to run at a gentle trickle and fill the ring with water for several minutes. Keep the flow rate slow enough to keep the ring filled with water but not overflowing.